True Blue: Kristin Blomquist

June 25, 2024

When Kristin Blomquist, incoming secretary of the Bernards Township Democratic Committee, faced various career conundrums over the years, her response has always been, “I can figure this out” or “I can teach myself that.”

For instance, she taught herself how to build a website for selling online premium bath and body products that her company, Kalliope, produced. (She also taught herself how to make the soaps.) She learned how to use online platforms such as Shopify, Facebook, Instagram and Google Analytics to track visitors, evaluate her marketing goals and do all those techie things she’s doing so well, right now, for the BTDC.

Long before Kalliope, which has remained dormant since the pandemic, Kristin’s “I can do that” attitude has often kicked in with a bang. When working for a property management company, the company’s lawyer constantly asked her to research legal questions regarding homeowners’ rights. She realized she was doing his high-paying work but receiving only her much lower salary. So, with a “I can do that” mind set, she made her way to law school!

In a nutshell, this vibrant Kansas girl and Wichita State grad earned her law degree in 1992 at Washburn University. (She credits her understanding parents who encouraged her.) Kristin began her corporate legal career with an animal health company that was a division of Wyeth. That soon led to Wyeth Consumer Healthcare in New Jersey, and ultimately Pfizer after it acquired Wyeth. There she became general manager of Pfizer Consumer Healthcare Nordics and was based in Copenhagen, Denmark for three years. 

This enabled Kristin and her family to connect with her father’s family who live in southern Sweden. During this business journey she was accompanied by her affable husband Ray Shinn, a CPA and theater aficionado. Two sons also joined them along the way: Andrew, now a professional cellist, and Aaron, who works on thermal quantum field theory. (Kristin doesn’t even begin to say “I can do that” in this case.) 

Back in the states, they settled in The Hills of Basking Ridge nine years ago where she started her business, took up yoga and continues to sing in her church choir in New Providence. 

Kristin volunteered to work with the Bernards Democratic Committee on the McCarthy-Wong campaign. She researched campaign issues, oversaw two interns who tracked elected officials’ committee memberships and their attendance at those meetings. She also managed Dems’ events at Charter Day, Holi and the picnics.

Commenting on her determination and ability to teach herself new skills, Kristin modestly says, “Yes, I have taught myself a lot, and now I have time to help out others and the Democrats.” Next on her list? She’s thinking about collaborating with Ray to write a blog about retirement.

— MJ Walsh

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