Candidates For Bernards Township Committee Sought

February 4, 2022

The Bernards Township Democratic Committee (BTDC) invites Democratic residents interested in serving to contact BTDC Chair Elizabeth Graner directly at or complete the candidate application below by February 25.

One Township Committee seat will be up for election this November, and the Democratic candidate screening will be held in early March.

“In order to foster more transparency within local government, we must have diversity of thought and opinion,” said Graner. “Right now, there is no Democratic representation on the Bernards Township Committee. It is an important year for Democrats up and down the ticket, so it is imperative that we run a candidate with vision, commitment to Democratic ideals, a willingness to work across the aisle, and most importantly, a true dedication to the Bernards Township community.”

The Bernards Township Democratic Committee, reestablished in 2017, remains committed to identifying and supporting candidates with vision who will lead with integrity, compassion, and intelligence.

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