Jessica Simpson-Cook Endorsed By Joan Bannan

October 6, 2022

Former Bernards Township Committee Person Joan Bannan has endorsed Jessica Simpson-Cook for Bernards Township Committee:

“I plan on voting for Jessica Simpson-Cook for Bernards Township Committee and urge my fellow residents to do the same. Jessica will bring vitality and much needed diversity of thought to town hall.  Having gotten to know Jessica over the past few years, I am impressed with her character, candor, and commitment.  Her platform is community-centered as opposed to that of the Republican Candidate. A look at both candidates’ websites makes this clear.

Keenly interested in hearing what residents want to say, Jessica wants to see the second public comment restored. What is the Township Committee afraid of? Diversity of thought? Jessica wants the Township Committee to be proactive so damage from storms is minimized, communications are improved with public utilities and residents remain safe. Jessica wants to expand recreational and community events for residents by having a farmer’s market, more frequent movie nights, restaurant weeks and shop local initiatives. Jessica wants to create more town sponsored programs for children with special needs and to ensure residents with physical challenges can easily access events such as Charter Day.

What are the initiatives of the Republican candidate? The website says nothing. The focus is clearly on past achievements – “Meet the Mayor”, “Yoga in the Park with the Mayor” and the “Mayor’s Fall Festival” held at Townhall (for years this event was known as the annual Pumpkin Roll held at Harry Dunham Park). The candidate even proudly claims as her own achievement the Seniors Food Security & Wellness Program without mentioning this program was funded through a grant by the Somerset County Department of Human Services. Yes, the entire Township Committee agreed that an application for the grant be made, but the approval, funds and meals came from the County.

Community is about the “we” not the “me”.  It is about fellowship – encouraging residents to share their views at public meetings, protecting each other from harm, and fostering ways to include ALL.  Vote for Jessica Simpson-Cook!”

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Municipal Matters

Municipal Matters: October 2024

Thank you to those who joined the Township memorial service on September 11, including among others, our candidates Liz Graner and Adam Subervi, and County Commissioner Sara Sooy.

For Deborah Schmitt and her partner, Henry Schaefer, immersion in political causes is a shared endeavor.


True Blue: Deborah Schmitt and Henry Schaefer


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