2024 Call For Candidates

January 8, 2024

In 2023, the BTDC generated a groundswell of support for its candidates along and across party lines. (This, in an “off year” election, with no statewide or national contests to motivate voter turnout.) Ana Duarte McCarthy’s historic first-place showing, and newcomer Lily Wong’s eight-vote shortfall revealed an open-mindedness to transparency, balance, and fresh thinking among the Bernards Township electorate.

“The momentum is here. We now have a brilliant new member on the Township Committee in Ana Duarte McCarthy and we are poised to continue our trajectory towards open, inclusive, and thoughtful governance in our town. We urge likeminded, smart, and caring people to throw their hat into the ring.  You will be joined by a team of volunteers who will support you  across the finish line and ultimately serve on behalf of our town.” 

~ Jane Conklin. Chair, BTDC

Turning now to 2024, it’s time to build on the momentum of the McCarthy Wong campaign. To do this, the BTDC is appealing to district representatives, to Democratic-leaning friends and neighbors, and township residents who might be able to energize our effort and actively build on a renewed Democratic presence in local politics by running for office.

With a well-oiled BTDC in place to support candidates, and an election year that will feature weighty contests driving turnout up and down the ticket, please think about the progress you could help the BTDC realize. Be it experience in business or education, key relationships in the community, a skill set driven by collaboration and a can-do spirit, consider what you might have to offer as a candidate for Township Committee.

In looking ahead, will the 2024 election be high energy and hard fought? It’s very likely. Are we poised to make history by electing candidates who could sit beside Ana Duarte McCarthy in 2025? Absolutely! It’s clear that Bernards residents want to be heard, leveled with, and feel included, and it’s also clear that the BTDC is primed to deliver for the community.

Please consider becoming a candidate. And when you’re ready, we encourage you to submit your interest via this form . The deadline is March 1, 2024. If you have questions and would like to discuss a possible run, please reach out to Jane Conklin via email

Thank you!

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