True Blue: Aarya Raval and Lucy Brodkin

January 28, 2024

The Ridge Democrats is a high school club in capable hands with its president, Aarya Raval at the helm and volunteers like Lucy Brodkin energizing its ranks. Both Aarya and Lucy are juniors at Ridge, and they share a heart-felt interest in promoting democratic values among their peers.

Aarya has always been interested in issues surrounding feminism and was excited by the anticipation of Hillary Clinton becoming our first female president. Fallout from the 2016 election officially kicked off her engagement in politics. Lucy’s interest began when at the age of one, she attended an Obama rally! Her dad, BTDC district representative Jesse Brodkin may have to confirm that fact.

In terms of their day-to-day pursuits, Aarya feels it is so important to “talk to and educate everyday people in your life, tell them what’s going on.” She believes it’s critical to dig deep and look at a candidate’s values. When Aarya isn’t involved with the Ridge Dems, she’s active in speech and debate, student council, Ridge’s Girl Up club, and plays the flute in the marching band.

Lucy is busy as well. She’s a contributor to Ridge’s Political Review and competes in Ridge Forensics via parliamentary debate and impromptu events. Lucy is also an avid reader with a focus on politicians’ policies and stances on a variety of issues. She makes it a point to stay tuned in to key issues with the Bernards Board of Education as well.

Looking ahead to the 2024 cycle, these dynamic students are focused on driving voter registration and engagement among students, becoming more involved in democratic community events, and supporting individuals such as congressional candidate Sue Altman. They plan to invite candidate Altman to speak to their club and look forward to introducing our own Committeewoman Ana Duarte McCarthy to the Ridge Democrats.

By Jen Aaron

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